10 Journaling Questions to ask yourself for deeper self discovery

Making a start in your Self Development journey often involves ‘digging deeper’ - but what if you want to Journal - But don’t know what journaling questions to ask yourself?

Journaling Questions to Ask yourself for Self Discovery

It’s easy to envision, isn’t it. You’ve seen it online as a good idea, thought it might be helpful to ‘journal’ - or even taken it upon yourself - and then here you are, with your blank page staring at you, and needing to find a way to start your journey of self-discovery - which, at this point, feels a little more like scribbling in the dark than actually learning anything about yourself.

In this article I’ll be sharing 10 journal questions to ask yourself to help you start really discovering more about you - just to get your journaling journey kickstarted! Let’s go!

1: What is your biggest dream?

If you won the lottery, if you were given a free ticket, where would you go? What would you do - and for how long would you do it?

If you were able to dream big, like really big - and be sure you could achieve it - what would you dream to do? It’s such fun to dream big dreams - it helps us work towards them as a potential reality.

2: What is the most interesting natural space you have been?

As you already know this one in your head, most people would discount it or just say ‘The Melbourne Botanic Gardens’ or wherever you have been. However, in your journal you can start writing why, how, what was most interesting, and what you learnt that day. ‘Flesh it out’ a little, and spend time delighting in the natural space you enjoyed.

3: When did you last forgive someone?

God tells us to forgive others, and we all know that forgiving others is a huge deal - and also a personal deal. This, in itself, makes it a very deep question to dive into when you are doing some self-discovery. It’s almost like coaching yourself - but not quite. Don’t forget to focus on why you are forgiving them, and how you feel after really doing so - not the wrong thing they did that you are forgiving them for.

4: What are you already bringing to your workplace or space?

Don’t be misled - you are already bringing something amazing into the space where you work. You are already an amazing you. But have you taken a little inventory of awesomeness of yourself recently? Why should the boss, your friends, and your work colleagues be thankful for you? (This is not an ego-trip, but a little reminder that what you do, say and bring, matters.)

5: What is your favourite memory of childhood?

Reminiscing about our favourite story or memory from childhood can really start to help us build our understanding of the world. It’s possible to actually remember your childhood when we are facing similar issues with our own children; but it’s so good for our nervous systems and mental health, to relive some of those happier memories.

6: What is your favourite relaxation habit?

This is something I talk about with my clients in their coaching sessions - head over to the Bookings page to find out how you can be transformed - and it’s a fun way to start teasing out all the things that help us relax. Or, often, it’s a big wake-up call to many women I speak to, because they suddenly realise they don’t remember! Use this journaling prompt to help you really flesh out, and prioritise, those favourite relaxation habits.

Onwards for even more journaling questions to ask yourself!

7: How do you go about repairing a relationship after an argument?

I know, this one hits home. Remember, self discovery isn’t all about the relaxation habits, and how you like your tea. It’s about learning more about yourself in order to understand your habits and change them if you need to. Building this awareness is key to changing some things around; and it’s also the way to build a stronger, healthier relationship, both with your partner and yourself. Have a think about it - and watch yourself as you do this - and see what you find out. (Then, you guessed it - journal it!)

8: What is your most defining moment so far?

We’ve saved some deep-dive questions for the latter of these 10 Journaling Questions to Ask yourself, and this is a big one! Focusing on our defining moment(s) builds our ability to look through time, and can involve many executive functions such as memory, organising thoughts and categorising, to name a few. Don’t be afraid to write why and when your defining moment is, either!

9: What makes you feel alive?

It could be bungee jumping, it could be horse riding - it could even be Origami! It’s so amazing how unique we all are, and the activities which make you feel alive and excited for life, are going to be as different as we are. So, write it down - then make sure there’s a time set for you to actually do that thing. It’s very, very important!

10: What do you believe is the top tier of achievement you can possibly make?

This can be measured in dollar signs - many people measure their success this way - but I personally like to think of what I want to achieve in life as a whole. Wellbeing is not measured in dollar signs (yes, I coach women when their wellbeing is lower than they want; both emotionally and practically, so I have something to say on the subject), but in the level of satisfaction you feel. If you feel satisfied when you are able to provide all your family needs financially, that’s great! However, for many mums especially, the top ‘tier’ of success is when they can make enough to choose their own lifestyle and hours. This is why I am an author and online creator too!

Think really hard about this one - because if the answer isn’t really what you are spending your life moving towards; you might have a change to make.

But what about when you can’t think of any more questions?

I created a Self-Discovery Journal for my clients, with 28 days worth of daily prompts - all about learning more about yourself and building that self-relationship. It’s super important - and helps us to be more present for ourselves, too. Go to the Shop page to find out more about how you can grab one!

There we have it - 10 journaling questions to ask yourself when you want to get serious about self-development simply.

It doesn’t happen overnight - but it is 100% worth it. Get started on some journal questions today, and gift yourself some time!

Need to stop the emotional exhaustion and overwhelm…? Or wondering why you are not showing up for your kids as you want to…or why you keep sabotaging yourself?

If you feel overwhelmed as a mum…I am an experienced teacher, speaker, and a stress & emotions coach; & Christian spiritual coach for mums. (I know what it’s like to be where you are, right now!) I can help you unpack your overwhelm and deal with your deep-seated guilt and emotional ‘mess’ that you feel like inside. It’s OK, Mama - I’ve got you!

Head to my Bookings page here to find out how I can help you feel like you’ve got your feet on the ground, and feeling like you can be the caring, capable & emotionally stable ‘rock’ your kids need you to be as they grow.

Journaling Questions to ASk yourself for Self Discovery


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