10 Mum Guilt quotes for the overwhelmed Mama

The feeling of mum-guilt is universal. It's a hashtag on Instagram, and is an unspoken reality that every Mama on earth knows, whether they have named it or not.

This list of 10 Mum-guilt quotes is to remind you that you are actually doing great.

Motherhood isn't easy-if you're keeping your baby and/or child fed, happy, learning, connected and developing, you are doing exactly what you need to!

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Read these mum-guilt quotes and take them in - because you are not defined by what you think you should do.


Many of us mothers are giving our mental headspace to unnecessary guilt, and often emotionally ‘wringing ourselves out’ while we are already doing the HUGE task of caring for our children, household and often working outside the home, too.

This list of mum-guilt quotes is intended not as a simple Band-aid, but a deep reminder that in fact, you are not intended to be all things, nor perfect, to be a mother to your family.

So grab a cup of tea or a glass of water, breathe in, and give yourself 5 minutes guilt-free, to read through this list and take these quotes on board!

Also, as you read through this post you will hopefully feel more at ease within yourself. However, if you need support as a mum in emotional health or changing behaviour, there are bookings available here - your first booking is 30% off! Don’t leave without feeling supported in some way, OK? - Miranda

15 Mum-Guilt Quotes for the overwhelmed Mama

'There is no perfect way to be a mother and a million ways to be a good one.'

Jill Churchill

I love this one. So true. Each mother is made for their child-yes, even adoptive ones-because that child was meant to be with you! Be a good mother by parenting exactly the way that you feel you should.

'Your kids don't want a perfect mom, they want a happy one.'


See that? The first two quotes I put here are addressing the apparent perfection many mums strive for.

Let me say it loud and clear:

The perfection your kids need is you being real in the every day. Just you. Not some 'perfect' version of you that's so hard to maintain that you can't be real anymore.

The real you is who makes them feel good. So be that- with intention.

'I remind myself every day that the version of motherhood in my head-the mom guilt, the imperfection, the worry-isn't the same version of motherhood that my kids see-a mom who loves them fully and forever, no matter what.'

Housewife Plus

I just love this quote. It's so refreshing to remember that actually, our kids' opinions are the ones which matter.

Be available to them emotionally and physically and mentally as much as you can, while maintaining healthy boundaries-and you won't regret it.

Motherhood is a choice you make every day to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you’re not sure what the right thing is,.. and to forgive yourself over and over again for doing everything wrong.

Donna Bell

Yes, yes, yes!

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In the context of this topic, forgiving yourself is extremely important.

Getting stuck in a self-blame, self-hatred rut is unhealthy for both you, your child and the atmosphere of your household. Don't sweat it-if you did your best, don't let your thoughts run you through the wringer. And when you catch yourself going over and over it again in your mind- stop yourself again! Bring your mind to happier thoughts and tell yourself ‘I do not need to feel bad about myself, I was created amazing and will stay that way.’

Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.

Marion C. Garretty

Agreed. The levels we can go to as a mother are superhuman-minimal sleep, constant feeding, birth, let alone managing a toddler tantrum with love and calmness sometimes!


This mum guilt quote is not intended to put a burden on your shoulders, but to encourage you for the work and effort you are already making.

'The thing about mom guilt is, we all have it. Whether you are a young mom, a single mom, a coparenting mom, a stepmom, an adoptive mom, a working mom, a stay at home mom, or whatever mom you are- we are all connected through the highs and lows of motherhood. We are on this journey that means the world to each of us, so much so that we beat ourselves up when we come up short. We are only human. Empower each other!'


Jump into a community, get amongst other mamas and be encouraged! No mama is an island.

Community is so important-and not just for the kids' social skills, either.

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We need it to be refreshed, socialise, vent, build skills and realise that we are part of a universal motherhood who all struggle with similar things.

'Feeling guilty as a mama is annoyingly universal. The way you choose to feel it and the effect you let it have on you, is up to you.'

Miranda Hodge (me)

Yes, I wrote a couple of the quotes in here. But hey! This one is simply about the fact that you alone have the ability to manage your own guilt.

If you want to wallow in guilt, feel free.

But if you can let someone reach down and help you stand against those guilt-ridden, anxious thoughts, you can start on the journey to less guilt and more joy.

Don’t get caught up in negativity! Name and notice those thoughts, but don’t get caught up in them. ‘Thanks, mind! Not interested in that thought, it’s not helpful.’

Michael Carr-Grieg

See above-this strategy is exactly what I just mentioned. This is great for kids, too-you can teach them how to get positive and talk literally to their mind or 'Mr. Worry'. Personalising worry means it doesn't mean the worry is as much part of us, and more a part of something happening to us.

And that means we can have an impact on it ourselves.

And the final of this collection of mum-guilt quotes:

'It is easier to let go of someone's opinion when you understand that people see you through a combination of past conditioning plus their current emotion.'

Yung Pueblo

Do your own kids or family make you feel guilty? Is your guilt fanned into flame by someone else around you, and their expectations?

Or, for a more self-help approach for awhile, grab my ebook ‘Stopping the Mum Guilt Trap: How to Stop it Ruining Running your Mental Health

Having differing expectations within a family can be incredibly tough. Get intentional and open today about what your expectations are of your partner-and be flexible. After all, they will get to share what their expectations are too.

Try to extend each other grace when you can't keep up with their high expectations, or they with yours.

Remember, everyone is human-and everyone is usually doing the best job they can.

We all have off days - but beating ourselves up (or others) when they have the occasional moment, is not what we should be doing to those we love, including ourselves.

And finally:

'I know it's hard Mama. I know it can be hard to get up every day and have these little people rely on you. I know it's hard to feel like sometimes your world is so small. I want to remind you that you are the world. You are the world that those little ones revolve around. You are their nurture, their home and their comfort. You are everything to them, and I hope even on your hard days you know how special you are. Especially to your little people.'


The truth is, your kids think you're amazing.

You're not doing them any favours by constantly beating yourself up mentally. That, in fact, could lead them to following the same pattern after watching you for years.

We need to model healthy mindsets ourselves now, to help them live it without thinking in the future.

Do you find these mum-guilt quotes helpful? Do you suffer from intense mum-guilt?

My clients come to see me with stress, overwhelm and often a huge loading of guilt. Not only am I about to release a short ebook on this topic; I help my clients through their expectations, stressors and overwhelming guilt, with one client halving her stress in the 8 week period - AND smashing much of that guilt.

For practical, encouraging, no-craziness coaching, my smallest package is 2 sessions (new clients 30% off) so go here to find out more!

Or, for a more self-help approach for awhile, grab my ebook ‘Stopping the Mum Guilt Trap: How to Stop it Ruining

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