5 ways being a confident parent (and person) can change your household

Do you consider yourself a confident person?

Why-or why not?

WHY is it beneficial to be the most confident version ofyourself? And can increasing your confidence, when you are a parent, impactyour ENTIRE household?

In a word-YES!!!!

5 ways being a more confident parent can change your household:

1: Confidence is directly attached to your self-esteem.

If you have a higher self-esteem, you naturally pass at least some of that onto your children. Happy, confident people create an environment that promotes happiness and confidence.

2: Confidence results in less hesitation.

Have you ever hesitated with your kids when you definitely should have said or meant it with more confidence? Did they take advantage of the situation? (Yep, same here- and ain’t nobody got time for that-or the patience!)

3: Confidence helps you feel ‘more’ in control of yourself.

Have you ever heard of the saying that you can’t control everyone else, but you can control your reaction to the situation?

Confidence doesn’t make you perfect obviously-but learning strategies to control yourself emotionally, mentally and practically can skyrocket your confidence!

4: Confident leaders make people feel safe

They know what they are doing and project that impression. Likewise, if you are a confident parent your children will have that underlying feeling of safety, because you are showing them clearly that you know how to live well (although nobody is perfect) and they can feel sure you are giving them a good act to follow.

5: Confidence in parenting comes about as a result of bettering yourself

Know WHY you say what you say, and do what you do. Being confident doesn’t mean you aren’t learning.

In reality, those who are truly confident are OK with knowing that they too have weaknesses and are a work in progress-and actively seek that learning and knowledge.

The Toddler Workshop

Our kids benefit if they can see these aspects of confidence in us. This helps them learn that although it is important to outwardly project confidence, it’s more important to be confident within your own skin- as that shines much more brightly anyway.

Be true to who you are.

Learn how you can be more confident as the person you have been made to be.

Confidence speaks louder than words.

Your household benefits, without a doubt, when you are confident in yourself.

Want to feel like you've achieved more every day? You might be interested in my free guide to Feeling more Confident and Successful DAILY as a parent!!

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