3 things a Toddler Girl needs to make your life easier

your toddler girl needs

What does your toddler girl need? Here are 3 little toddler products that make perfect two year old girl or three year old girl birthday presents for your little one! #toddlergirl #girlbirthday #presents #cutegiftsforgirls


(This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission on any products purchased through said links, at no additional cost to you.)

Toddler are busy, gorgeous little creatures, aren’t they?

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a Mama of one such sweetheart!

(Well they’re often sweet, although we know how they can throw the sweetest tantrums too)

I’m a Mama to 2 girls and my experience is that there are some things that just make life a lot easier as they grow.

Some things we use again and again!

These things are the ones which help our children AND help us achieve our aim-whether it be keep them warm, keep them looking stylish or just keeping them quiet for a while.

Especially if you have a new baby at the same time, which many of us have!

(If this is you, check out my post on going from 1-2 kids...)

What you need as a toddler mama is:

  • -Items of clothing you can grab easily (which they can hopefully start to learn how to put on themselves in time and start to build that all-important independence)

  • -Shoes in the same category

What your toddler girl needs is:

  • something she loves the colour of (am I right?)

  • something that’s fun

  • something that does not interrupt her play!

...with minimal fuss, maximum cuteness and comfortable for your daughter

Let’s face it, they need a lot more than just these 3 things, but these have been super useful around our house.

We have to start somewhere right?

Now, let’s just back up a minute. 

So here’s my list of 3 things a toddler girl needs to make your life easier

1: Comfortable,stylish, washable shoes

As parents, we want:

  • Hard wearing

  • Stylish/cute

  • Easy to clean, and if you’re like me…

  • Easy to put on!

I just LOVE these gorgeous shoes by Walnut Melbourne.

They are canvas, easy to pop in the washing machine (check the instructions though) and they look so gorgeous with anything girls wear them with!

2: Cute little girl dresses that are functional but make her feel special!

Something my kids have constantly had in their wardrobe since I discovered them about 5 years ago, are a few of these GORGEOUS tulle dresses from Cotton On.

I have never had an issue with them, and the designs are gorgeous too! (These are my girl's 'party dresses' until they get marks on, then they're worn all sorts of places!)

We have even been given second and third hand dresses in this style, and they are still going strong, for us to pass onto others! #quality

Note from the experienced: It's worth getting them a size bigger!!!

Don’t miss their whole range of gorgeous dresses here too!

They have a sale on now!

3: Little girl handbags or a backpack!

My girls have always loved having a backpack or a handbag like this one.

They feel like a 'big girl' and like Mama's big helper!

I have to say, I think it's so cute when little girls wear a handbag!

Backpacks, however, are THE absolute most useful bag ever for a child! They can take them to

  • kinder or daycare

  • shopping

  • out and about

  • to restaurants and cafes (see tip below)

Check out these cute and well-priced backpacks here!

These sorts of things have been one of the absolute MUST-haves for toddler girls for us, especially when it comes to going out for dinner with family, or going on a longer car trip.

Tip for toddler mamas:

We often pack a small bag for the kids to bring along, with a couple of small toys, pencils and colouring book, as well as a book to read too.

It doesn’t cost much to put together, and has the potentialto keep them entertained for a relatively long time!

Any or all of these items are amazing because:

  • they are universally helpful for us as Mamas,

  • have been consistently useful around our busy household

  • have helped the kids learn independence at the same time as...

  • helping me maintain my sanity in those hectic ‘where-is-everything??’ moments!

Read my blog on How to be productive as a Stay at Home Mum here.

As a parent of a toddler or pre-schooler, you might beinterested in these recent blog posts:

3ways to stop Destructive Behaviour in your Toddler

How well do you really understand how your Threenager Thinks?

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What does your toddler girl need? Here are 3 little toddler products that make perfect two year old girl or three year old girl birthday presents for your little one! #toddlergirl #girlbirthday #presents #cutegiftsforgirls


Need to tackle that mum guilt… less overwhelm…and feel like you again?

Miranda is a teacher-turned Christian life coach, stress management and emotional wellbeing coach, for mums both spiritual and not, who are finding life overwhelming and stressful. She uses emotional processing basics with her clients, as well as uncovers deeper beliefs and habits that you may be unaware of - and the influence they are having on you subconsciously.

Miranda also authors wellbeing books such as Stop Mum Guilt and fantasy novels, as well as creates physical journals and printable products for women. If you feel overwhelmed, or are sick and tired of feeling that horrible guilt you carry around in your chest for ‘not doing everything well enough’, grab your 30% off call here as a new client!


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