Why you NEED this as a teacher, VA or influencer

Why you need this tool as a teacher, VA or influencer...

Writing deadline coming up? 

You’ve been up late every night this week, trying to just finish these school reports. You need them finalised ASAP so you can just enjoy your weekend!! 

But your brain is fried and you’re struggling to get anything to make sense at this late hour. 

Or maybe this is you… 

Your client needs all those social posts by tomorrow- but the kids were sick and now you just need to PUMP these posts and related work for the next week out… head on your hand and yawning, you have an extra cup of coffee hoping this will help…

Sound familiar? 

If you’re a teacher, or blogger, or author, or social media influencer, or VA, you’ve been there. 

Writing ‘brain fog’ is a common symptom of being a writer in any respect. 

But add a deadline to it and you can really feel the heat! 

Have you ever wished for SOME way to make it easier for yourself?

Or even just wanted some support to proofread?

Grammarly Writing Support

Now there’s an amazing, easy-to-use tool which makes checking your writing EASY. 

The World's Best Grammar Checker

I’d been intending to get Grammarly for a LONG time, but basically I’m pretty good at grammar, spelling and writing- so I didn’t bother. 

Well, I should have looked this up a LONG time ago! 

There's a reason this program is:


Grammarly is SO easy to load (like, 1-2 minutes) and actually becomes a plug-in for Microsoft Word, Chrome and Safari. 

There’s a free version (which I’m on so far and love it) but the Premium version would be a great investment too.

What the program essentially does is let you know the parts of your writing which don’t make sense, are misspelt or have bad grammar. 

According to https://support.grammarly.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000090871-How-does-Grammarly-work-

‘Grammarly’s algorithms flag potential issues in the text and suggest context-specific suggestions for grammar, spelling and usage, wordiness, style and punctuation..’ 

Why do I need this as a teacher, VA or influencer?

It’s helpful because the program has done the work for you as you write, or at the end if you choose. 

You can then go through and change things around. 

You don’t have to worry about looking like:

  • you’ve got no idea about grammar, or
  • your followers feeling like you’ve slapped this post together, or
  • you just have no education or idea about writing!

Grammarly Writing Support

Just check it with Grammarly and feel confident that your writing is effective and looks professional! 

How do you get this FREE version of this amazing program?

Click on a banner in this article (there's one just below this paragraph), and follow the prompts. It is LITERALLY so easy.

Or if writing is your profession, the Premium version is well under $20 per month. #worthit

Grammarly Writing Support

So if you’re a teacher, or you write publicly in ANY form for yourself or anyone else (yes, even on Insta) then do yourself a favour and install Grammarly today. 

I only wish I’d done it sooner! 

Don't forget to let me know in the comments below if you have Grammarly too, or if this was a life-changing post for you as a writer!


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