Calming Spaces: Use these 5 products to create calm ASAP for your little ones

We all want to know how to create calming spaces for our kids.

The benefits to calming spaces are numerous for small children, and even older children (and adults) need somewhere to go to calm down. Especially when we've been really upset.

calming spaces ideas

Calming space ideas for preschoolers and help your child with emotional regulation. How to deal with an angry child - this is an essential resource for teachers and parents alike! #calmspaces #calmspaceideas #preschoolteachers #childemotionalregulation


These 5 products will help you create a beautiful and effective calming space in your home for your small child!

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1: A gorgeous rug or something comfortable to sit or lay on.

Basically, our kids won't want to be in a calming space unless it's comfortable.

Makes sense, really.

The Sage Pastel Dreams designer rug from Adairs is stunning!

2: Another style of comfort that children can snuggle into.

I like using a cushion, beanbag or a blanket like this one:

Luella Mustard Cable Throw for Kids, from Adairs

The reason a blanker with pom poms works so well, especially for fidgety kids, is that it is a literal fidget toy as well as offering comfort, weight and that sensory accompaniment, too.

Read my post on this fun Sensory Activity for Kids!>>>

So your upset child currently has some comfort going on.

What else do we need in kid's calming spaces?

Thirdly, we need a toy kids can focus on, without needing to get too involved in thinking just yet.

This is the time for glitter jars, playdough, oil-and-water bubblers, and so on.

I love these just for those smaller emotional moments, too-and they're a great way to entertain your kids at home, regardless!

Need to get some easy nutrients and sustenance in without compromising on flavour? These gorgeous smoothies are stunning, healthy and will change your life as a rushed, hungry Mama!

4: Having a fun open-ended toy set so your child can begin to re-enter play in calming spaces.

It's important that your child has something to move towards as they come out of the calming down stage, into the 'I'm ready to play' stage again. Having a few toys in the space that really cater to imagination and just 'tinkering' as they start getting ready to move back into the general play again, means we are supporting our children in the best way possible.

Having a toy like these, available for use, means we are supporting our child as they learn.


The Grimm's Building Weather Set is a beautiful set by a well-known and loved brand of wooden toys.

There's also this logical-brain toy, which requires thinking, balancing skills, as well as being colourful and levelled, too!


Noah's Balancing Ark

Creating calming spaces is an essential part of every home with small children, because having these spaces means:

  • Your child has the space to learn how to begin to regulate their emotions (this takes awhile to learn, regardless)

  • You, as the parent, have the space available to move your child to, when you feel like they need to move out of the general play space

  • These skills are effectively needed for the rest of your child's life.

The best thing about calm spaces is that they give the child some time to compose themselves, but the parent is still available to help if needed.

For more information on calming your emotional child (or yourself!), read one of the posts linked here:

How to Calm your Emotional Child>>

3 Limiting Self Beliefs Every Good Mum Needs To Know About

How to stop your Toddler being Destructive>>


What to put in a child's calming spaces. Calm Space design and calm space aesthetic ideas and WHY calm spaces are so important for your child's emotional regulation. #emotionalregulation #calmingspaces #calmspaces #calmspacedesign


What to put in a child's calming spaces. Calm Space design and calm space aesthetic ideas and WHY calm spaces are so important for your child's emotional regulation. #emotionalregulation #calmingspaces #calmspaces #calmspacedesign


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