How to Start Habit Stacking - and Why it’s so useful
Habit Stacking: A Life-Changing Tool for Small, Daily Improvements
Hi, everybody! Welcome to the blog! It's so awesome to have you here with me today. I'm really excited to talk about this topic because it's been such a game-changer for me. Today, we’re going to dive into habit stacking, and let me tell you—it’s revolutionary!
For those of you who don't know me, I'm Miranda, and I run Peaceful Living with Miranda. I'm a teacher and a coach, and I help women, including those of the Christian faith, with emotional health, stress management, and life coaching. I love it, and today I can't wait to share how habit stacking can transform not only your routines, but your life as you start getting more productive!
Learn about how to start habit stacking and start achieving your goals! #habitstacking #organisedmum #simplemotherhood #holisticmotherhood
How to Start Habit Stacking - and Why It’s SO Useful
What is Habit Stacking?
First of all, habit stacking is something James Clear discusses in his book Atomic Habits. If you haven't read it, I'll link to it below—it’s fantastic. Habit stacking is all about taking a habit you already have and "stacking" a new habit on top of it, before it, or around it in some way. This way, the two habits are tied together in your brain.
This technique is especially helpful for people with ADHD or anyone who struggles with executive functions like memory, planning, or prioritizing. It’s a simple method that can help you finally check off those tasks you’ve been struggling to complete.
For example, let’s say you want to drink more water throughout the day. While that might seem easy for some, many of us really struggle with remembering it. Habit stacking allows you to attach that new habit (like drinking water) to an existing habit you already do every day—like making your morning coffee.
My Example of Habit Stacking
Here’s an example from my own life. I always have a coffee in the morning—decaf with almond milk—and I used to struggle with drinking enough water until much later in the day. I’d realize around 11 a.m. that I hadn’t had any water and thought, "Great, now I’ve only got a few hours to try and drink a liter of water."
So, I started stacking the habit of drinking water before my coffee. Every morning, before I’m allowed to have my coffee, I drink a big mug of warm water. Since I drink coffee every morning, the habit of drinking water is now automatic. And because of that, my body feels more hydrated from the start of the day. Over time, this habit has become so ingrained that I feel off if I don’t do it!
Why is Habit Stacking So Helpful?
The beauty of habit stacking is that it's a gradual, simple way to build better habits. It's like people who try to quit smoking cold turkey—sometimes it works, but often it doesn’t. Habit stacking is the opposite; it’s about slowly building up those habits over time, making the process less overwhelming.
Let’s say you want to save more money. You could stack the habit of saving $10 every time you get paid. While it might not sound like much, $10 adds up. By the end of the month, you could have an extra $20 or $40 in savings, which could cover a subscription or a small bill.
Another example could be something simple, like putting on sunscreen every time you wear a hat or putting your shoes in the shoe box as soon as you take them off. These small habits might seem insignificant, but when stacked with an existing routine, they become much easier to follow consistently.
How to Get Started with Habit Stacking
So, how do you start? First, think about a small improvement you want to make. It doesn’t have to be something big like losing 40 kilos; it can be something as simple as drinking an extra glass of water each day. Once you have that habit in mind, think about a current habit you can attach it to.
If you’re struggling to maintain consistency, don’t stress! Even if you only stick with the habit for 20 days, that’s still 20 days of improvement. It’s important to give yourself credit for that progress. And if you find the habit too difficult, change it up. Maybe try a different time of day or stack it with a different habit.
Will you Try Habit Stacking?
Habit stacking has been revolutionary for me, and I hope it can help you too, Mama!
I’d love to hear from you—do you use habit stacking? What habits have you successfully stacked, and where have you struggled? You can reach out to me on Instagram @PeacefulLivingWithMiranda.
Learn about how to start habit stacking and start achieving your goals! #habitstacking #organisedmum #simplemotherhood #holisticmotherhood