Mum Resentment: Gentle Parenting and Self-Care

Feeling resentful of our kids or the expectations on us, is common among the overworked mums of today!

Do you often feel resentful, angry or unappreciated in your daily mum life?

Mum resentment: Gentle Parenting and Self-Care

In this episode of A Chance to Cherish podcast, Miranda covers some strategies to help you manage mum resentment. These should help you start to manage your mum resentment - but if it’s really affecting you, see a professional.

Miranda is a Life Coach for Parents, an experienced teacher and online creator/coach. She helps parents through Masterclasses, 1:1 coaching, training and hosting events.

Listen to the podcast here:


Finding your Identity: 3 Ways to start now!


Angry Children and 3 Simple Ways to Help