The BEST way to keep warm in Winter at Home

Do you want to find a way to keep warm in winter at home?

**Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission at no cost to you.**

Winter as a stay at home Mama with little kids can be overwhelming and intense in many ways.

But when you just cannot get warm, it makes everything so much harder to cope with.

It can feel like you're trying to get away from the cold constantly-and when you may already feel like that with your children in these inside seasons, it can be hard!

But what impact can something as simple as 'keeping warm in winter at home' have on your parenting?

Have you ever seen this meme?

It's interesting, because it's basically about the 'noise' in our brain.

Put plainly, we are able to use our brains better when we 'turn down the noise' elsewhere.

Is feeling super cold a discomfort which can increase the 'noise' in our head?

I don't know about you, but I find when I have too much sensory stuff going on, I struggle to be the proactive parent I want to be.

create happy kids
create happy kids

Therefore, my being cold impacts on my parenting.

Keeping warmer, having less brain 'noise' and annoying sensory input, creates less overwhelm for me.

This means I can be a much more proactive parent, keep ahead of my kids (mostly) and generally feel better.

All these things contribute to my mental health significantly in those mid-Winter, at home, doldrum moments-and make me feel like a better parent!

So what do I consider the BEST way to keep warm in Winter at home as a Mama?

(Warning: You might laugh.)

Or, you might be already totally onto this tip.

Ugg boots.

I've recently had to go without my prearranged pair of these amazing boots for 3 weeks-and WOW, did I miss them!

My feet were completely frozen the whole time!

I've been a convert of these gorgeous Ugg boots for years, and I have tried all the really cheap ones and they're just not worth the money.

Now, I know what you might think.

'Really? THAT'S your best keep warm tip?'

I am here to tell you that with 15 years of experience (buying a pair every year except for 'those' years when I chose the cheaper option and froze), Ugg boots are the way to go when it comes to staying warm in winter.

The benefits are there, why not try it?

I know it's helped me stay warm, and by default helped my parenting because staying warm has helped my mental health.

Many people swear by them!

It's well known, too, that heat leaves your body via your feet. (Or is that just an old wives tale?)

I hate being cold. Do you?

If you want warm feet, go with Ugg. They may be expensive, but they're worth it.

How do you keep warm in the coldest season?

Do you have a pair of Ugg boots-or do you use a different way to stay warm in winter?

keep warm in winter

Tip: Sometimes Ugg have a sale on Catch of the Day...

if you haven't cottoned on to this amazing deals site, you might want to check it out here for the possibility of amazing deals!


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