3 Healthy Mummy Breakfast Recipes to start your day right
Many mums find it hard to get healthy breakfasts in around the constant needs of their children in the morning.
If you are a mama of one, two or three children (or more), you will know that the struggle is real!
These three healthy mummy breakfast ideas are my go-to recipes when I am busy but know I need to fuel my body the best way possible for the day-and I've included a few tips on how I make this happen around my small children, too!
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Why do I need a healthy breakfast?
Most of us know that the average piece of toast will not sustain us as effectively as we would like to think.
As a recently diagnosed gluten intolerant, (and even before that) I found that to keep up with my children and be the connected, proactive parent I always aim to be, I need to get breakfast that gives me all my energy needs with maximum impact! Gut health is so much more important than almost anyone gave it credit for even just one generation ago.
I also need something protein-packed, because protein takes a longer time to digest, which means I can run along all morning, most mornings, with my small kiddos.
Making space for a healthy breakfast is a huge part of self-care.
If you want to look after yourself so you can look after others, this is a massively important way to do this on the daily. 'Putting on your oxygen mask' is extremely important as a mama, so let's get that sorted before we start our day just by making time to eat properly first!
Want those healthy mummy breakfast ideas?
Let's get going!
3 Healthy Mummy Breakfast Recipes for the busy mum! These three recipes will help you be a positive parent and start the day with a better mum mindset, with the healthy ingredients in these easy breakfast recipes. Breastfeeding mums #healthy #mums #recipes
1: Poached egg with smashed avocado and toast
This is unashamedly my absolute favourite breakfast of all time. It mixes my favourite healthy protein (well, one of) with avocado. So yummy and amazing!
However, I've been asked a few times how I manage to get this one to work on a busy morning with the kids.
I just follow this 3 step process:
Put water on to boil in a saucepan, put toast in the toaster ready. (meanwhile organise children, make lunches etc)
When the water is ready, put the toast down first (very important), crack in that egg carefully and keep going about your busy morning. (turn down the dial if the water is boiling too much)
Toast takes around 3 minutes to cook, egg takes around 3:30. Grab the toast, pop the avo on and get the egg out.
The hardest part of this whole process is actually sitting down to eat my gorgeous breakfast-and did I mention keeping it away from the kids? They love it!
2: Complete healthy protein shake with berries and psyllium husk
Tasty breakfast smoothies!
This healthy shake powder is AHMAZING- and so healthy!
Firstly, I use a super-healthy and yummy shake mix from the Juice Plus program (you can grab your 14-day trial pack here), and my favourite flavour is Dutch Chocolate-you can also grab vanilla.
So, recipe as follows:
Pop 1 cup (250 ml) of milk in a blender or shake maker.
Add 1 scoop or satchet of the gorgeous Complete powder.
Add a handful of berries, a banana if you like and 1 tsp of psyllium husk (great for digestion).
BLITZ like mad for 30 seconds to a minute to get it all blended.
I use the amazing Nutribullet for this - and will never be without one as long as I live, if I can help it! The DIFFERENCE this device has made in my kitchen, and to my family’s health - amazing.
Now this is my quick breakfast, because it literally takes about 5 minutes or less to make (more like around 3).
I can drink mouthfuls in between helping people put shoes on, cut sandwiches, brush hair, look for lost toys, and even breaking up a sibling fight or two. (Yes, even my kids fight-and it's just as annoying for me as it is for you!)
If you aren't sure about psyllium husk, it's the main ingredient in Metamucil (restores your regularity) and is a super healthy, very fibrous powder without much flavour, that is best had in a shake rather than just water!
That's breakfast number 2- yum!
3: Yoghurt with seeds, berries and honey
Finally, this is a recent favourite of mine, as I needed to find a way to get some seeds into my diet after I went gluten free.
Fact: I have never liked seeds, seeded bread, or indeed anything with seeds.
New fact: I actually love them now and add them to everything, to the benefit of all my family.
Yoghurt with seeds, berries and honey is literally just that.
Natural yoghurt is always best, (around 2-3 tablespoons) and I add a combination of these to the bowl:
Sunflower, flax, pumpkin or poppy seeds
Psyllium husk powder (but not too much as it makes it go gluggy)
berries of any type
around 1/2 tsp of honey
This mix gives you plenty of energy for the first half of the morning at least, and is unbelievably healthy.
If you want a little extra, pop that piece of toast on a plate for a side, and you're good to go!
There you have it-my 3 healthy mummy breakfast recipes for mums who need quick, healthy and busy-and also need to make sure they are looking after themselves while they look after everybody else.
Try it out! purchase a trial pack of the Complete shakes in either Choc or Vanilla, or find out more here!
Listen To The Mum Wellbeing Podcast Right Here - 15 Minute Episodes To Help You Move Through Your Mum Life!
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If You Want To Find Out About What I Do To Help You Recover Emotional Health and Gentle Parenting skills….
Help Mums find freedom from emotional stress and overwhelm
Ask questions, (lots of them) and every.single.client.so.far has had ‘Aha’ moments through the sounding-board effect of coaching with me,
Go through emotional embodiment practices to help you actually feel and process the emotions that are ‘stuck’ or that you keep trying to escape from (when you are ready, always)
Offer strategies around parenting (I have been coaching parents for over 5 years, and bring my teaching professional expertise to this)
I do this all via my Zoom consults, soon to be in-person consults offered too in the Geelong, Australia, area - but online to most places!
So don’t be stuck, because whether or not it’s myself, there are people out there who can help you with your emotional wellbeing, overwhelm and the huge stress that can occur in body and mind when you have a new baby and/or kids and all the other things we deal with as Mamas!
3 Healthy Mummy Breakfast Recipes for the busy mum! These three recipes will help you be a positive parent and start the day with a better mum mindset, with the healthy ingredients in these easy breakfast recipes. Breastfeeding mums #healthy #mums #recipes