get better at asking God into your day as a stay at home mama with these 3 simple prayers

Do you want to get better at asking God into your day - whether you’re changing nappies, doing the school run, or doing those ever-present dirty dishes?

If you’re a Christian mama, you might wonder just how on earth you are supposed to remember to even think about God, as your to-do list gets longer, your memory gets less reliable, and you just wish you could go back to the relationship with God you had when you were younger.

This post will share 3 ways to ask God into your day as a stay at home mum - and start to enjoy the peace of God, as well as a building of gratitude, as you do so!

Firstly, a huge welcome from me - I’m Miranda, and Peaceful Living with Miranda is my business and blog. I’m a mum of 3 kiddos, experienced teacher, women’s emotional health coach and gentle parenting consultant, and Christian women’s mentor. As well as coaching and blogging on gentle parenting & anything that helps you as a mum with stress relief & emotional healing from a Jesus-based perspective; I create digital products and write books that help women with their own emotional health and with parenting their children - because the two go hand in hand. Find out more about what I offer on my Emotional Health Bookings page here.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting my blog - I hope you find it helpful!

Asking God

This post will share 3 ways to ask God into your day as a stay at home mum - and start to enjoy the peace of God, as well as a building of gratitude, as you do so! #homemaker #mumprayers #prayersformums #christianmumblog


Get Better at asking God into your day as a stay at home mum with these 3 simple prayers

One of the simple, simple truths I keep ‘running into’ in my busy life as a stay at home mum, is that God actually wants to be involved in our everyday lives.

He actually cares, and is interested, in you. Therefore, what you do, think, and say are all of interest to Him. These simple prayers for mums are not groundbreaking - not earth-shattering - and they’re definitely not something new - but they are here to help you for when you are dealing with brain fog, stress, or simply feeling a little overwhelmed with being a mum.

The focus of these is simply to get your heart and mind focused on Him as you go through the day. This works well for me - and has helped me feel closer to God in a second, many many times - whether in a busy, happy day filled with friends, sandpit playing and funny moments, or on a day when the kids are sick, I’m sleep-deprived and feeling a little on the edge.

God, loves you - and He just wants to experience life with you, as you do life.

Want to understand your emotional three year old better - and give them some real, on-the-ground tips for building emotional regulation? Emotionally Equipped Child simple course for mums >>

Asking God into your day #1 - The Simplicity Prayer

This Simplicity prayer is all about literally doing the obvious, which many of us don’t do. Just ask God in for the day!

It does not have to be hard to invite God into your day. He is waiting, the ‘perfect gentleman’ as a friend used to say. He is there for you, and to ask Him to join you in the day doesn’t have to be more difficult than this super-simple prayer.

God, please be with me today as I do life. I want to be reminded of You - please join me as I try to walk Your way today.

See what I mean? It doesn’t have to be wordy - in fact, even that is a little wordy if you want a super-quick one - but it’s so easy to simply ask Him to be in on your day, and present to you. He’s always present, but He loves to be acknowledged and asked!

If your child knows you are there, and you know they are trying to do things but you know you can help them, it can be so heartwarming when they come to you and ask for help. It’s just like that with God!

This simplicity prayer is intended not to be ‘overthought’ but simple.

Read my short ebook here: Stop Mum Guilt!

The ‘Help Me, Lord!’ Prayer

This one is really self-explanatory. The ‘Help Me, Lord!’ prayer is murmured by many, many exhausted mums around the world, when they feel like they are at the end of their patience. So instead of focusing on the negative around us, and simply getting frustrated, we can release that overwhelm and frustration to God, and ask Him to help us with that.

In my mind, it looks like moving from a posture of ourselves with clenched fists in front of us (posture of frustration, imagine it!), to a posture of ourselves with those hands out, palms upwards, in front of us. In other words, you are not holding that emotion and trying to keep control, but giving the power to God and asking Him to help you control yourself and your circumstances.

Seriously, try it. When you are feeling overwhelmed, angry, frustrated that you are re-making the wet sheets again in the middle of the night, or mopping up that millionth spill for the day and you’re just so over it - try stopping, standing with clenched fists in front of your abdomen, then take a deep breath, relax your body intentionally and open up your hands, while mentally acknowledging that God is God, and He knows the better way.

If you want to actually say something, then it might be simply:

Help me, Lord. I need Your guidance right now!

Allowing Him to be Lord of your life, mentality and emotions at that moment, is key. It’s not ‘Help me, Lord - but I’ll continue acting like You’re not.

It might be a work in progress - because all good things usually are - but it’s the attitude that counts.

The Thankyou Prayer

This prayer is a simple way to be asking God into your day - and the most fun.

As in Philippians 4, we ask God into our life with thanksgiving. This might mean using a gratitude journal, or getting into a ‘grateful’ list for the day. It might mean you say something like:

‘Wow, Lord, yesterday I couldn’t do it without You - and You helped me! Now, today, I need You just as much! Join me - thanks for being my Creator and loving me as I am.’

The warmth and appreciation that can fill your soul as a result of this is amazing - and God, like any parent, loves being thanked for His hard work - even if it’s easy for Him! I think of God like a strong, loving Father who is able to help but wants His kids to become independent. He loves to be thanked, asked, and invited into our lives.

Do you want to listen to this on the podcast? Listen to The Mum Wellbeing Podcast here!

Remembering to be asking God

One way to remind yourself to pray or ask God into your day as a stay at home mum, is to do some habit stacking around this. So, whatever habit you already do, simply work on remembering to attach your simple, 3-second prayer into your already-existing habit. Then, you are more likely to fuse the habits together, and over time it becomes a reminder and a natural progression from one to the other. Simple, takes literally no time, and means you are getting your heart open towards God as you start moving through your day - which is why you are reading this article, right?

I hope this little list has helped you with some simple ideas for asking God into your day as a mum - whether you stay at home or not. It’s a hard job being a parent - and I’m pretty sure God knows that more than all of us put together.

Don’t be a stranger - join the Seeking Joy, Finding Peace newsletter to keep up with all the things we’re doing to help you feel more equipped and nurtured as a Christian mum!

Need More Help, Or Want To Build Your Emotional Health And Wellbeing As A Mum - Or Even As A Christian Woman? Find Out More Here With These Blog Posts:

How To Start Your Healing Journey For Emotional Health - When You Don’t Want To Be An Angry Mum Anymore

How You Might Be Beating Yourself Up As A Millennial Christian Mother - And How To Stop Yourself!

3 Limiting Self Beliefs Every Good Mum Needs To Know About

If You Want To Find Out About What I Do To Help You Build Emotional Health and Gentle Parenting skills….

Help Mums find freedom from emotional stress and overwhelm

  • Ask questions, (lots of them) and has had ‘Aha’ moments through the sounding-board effect of coaching with me,

  • Go through emotional embodiment practices to help you actually feel and process the emotions that are ‘stuck’ or that you keep trying to escape from (when you are ready, always)

  • Offer strategies around parenting (I have been coaching parents for over 5 years, and bring my teaching professional expertise to this)

I do this all via my Zoom consults, soon to be in-person consults offered too in the Geelong, Australia, area - but online to most places!

So don’t be stuck, because whether or not it’s myself, there are people out there who can help you with your emotional wellbeing, overwhelm and the huge stress that can occur in body and mind when you have a new baby and/or kids and all the other things we deal with as Mamas!


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