How to Be More Productive when Working from Home with Kids

Are you struggling with how to be more productive when working from home -especially if you have little kids (or big kids) to manage too?

It can be hard, working from home with kids - and often frustrating.

  • Kids need time and focus regularly, not just in ‘sections’ of predictable time,

  • you may be homeschooling or have a baby, too

  • You need to manage a household as well as work and look after the kids - which is, like, 2.5 full-time jobs. Enough going on yet?

If you’re feeling frustrated and NEED to get organised, try these tips to be more productive when working from home!

Peaceful Living with Miranda: Are you a work at home mama? Find more success and be more productive at home with kids, with these ideas from a life and parenting coach. Working at home and parenting is challenging - use these tips to create more confidence, success and time to parent AND work. #workathome #stayathomemum #mumpreneur

1: Write a list and prioritise

**Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a small commission through any links on this page-at no cost to you. (You might even get a great deal!)

Writing a list is one of the best ways to start getting more productive.

The best way to start a list is to first write it ALL down, or have a 'brain download'.

Grab a highlighter and mark everything on your list that you NEED to do today.

Grab another and mark those which need to be completed by tomorrow!

Why does this help?

This helps because prioritising requires higher order thinking, called 'executive functioning'.

This is not hard, but means that when you look at your list, you don't have to spend the time prioritising!

This saves SO much time.

It's actually so easy, but such a powerful strategy.

Grab this simple Calendar Printable to have a prioritising time right now, for this coming month!

2: Prepare

This is THE golden rule when it comes to small children, whether you work or not.

Many women are juggling so much, that it simply means they are absolute masters of the juggle - resulting in children sleeping in their clothes for the next day (which is fine when you work from home!) and lots of to-do lists.

Get prepared for the day-some do it the night before, or first thing in the morning.

Preparing everything physically is helpful, but the best thing to be ‘on top of’ is your mindset. Ignore that crushing negative inner voice, and get motivated by being intentional about your week ahead.

Read about how to stop your Inner Voice bossing you around here >>>

Often, we prepare for those humdrum tasks we all need to do.

Think dinner prep.

Or having the clothes in the machine, ready for the morning.

How do you prepare for the week or upcoming day?

You might like this cute Montessori Activity for Preschoolers, especially if you are all about simplicity and busy kids!

Are you a work at home mama? Find more success and be more productive at home with kids, with these ideas from a life and parenting coach. Working at home and parenting is challenging - use these tips to create more confidence, success and time to parent AND work. #workathome #stayathomemum #mumpreneur

Find out how to BOOST your immune system for less than a coffee per day!

The key to this is understanding your children!

Know which activities they really like (and didn't play all day yesterday), then have a box of interesting activities for when they feel bored.

Some kids are more into the kinaesthetic play, rather than arts and crafty drawing and such. Others would play for hours with cars and trucks, or Barbies.

Understanding how your child plays - and when they play best - is a major help in getting into a productive work from home routine for yourself - and helping them understand what will be happening, and what is expected of them.

When you're a busy mama, it's so much easier to have a 'fun', engaging box or play set ready to go.

These Toddler Busy Bags are a great asset for travel or at home - with lots of engaging things to do!

Try these paint sensory bags for a fun activity to do with your kids-then they can play with them while you work!

It's so much easier than trying to do craft, be calm, and be an amazing perfect parent who can do all the things- and then get mega-stressed because you just have to get this work done.

4: Know the rhythms

Every household has a rhythm or routine which works for them.

This changes in different times and seasons of life of course, but often there are routines and rhythms which are repeated.

A huge part of being productive when working from home with kids means we can make the best use of the most appropriate time.

It's all about using time wisely-but also being flexible when we need to!

Mums with toddlers who nap might work during this time.

Parents with young children might need to work later at night to get work done-which means trying to give yourself a break through the day to rest is important.

(Even if that means sitting on the couch while the kids do your makeup, or having a coffee in the sun while you watch them.)

Many parents find getting up early works for them-but it can be very challenging if you have interrupted sleep!

Find which rhythm works well for your family and see how you can schedule in that work time-those priorities-when you need to.

Being more productive when working from home is always going to be hard if you're a parent.

It's a HUGE job-and you should mentally 'pat yourself on the back' as often as you can.

You are essentially playing two roles at the same time!

But with these tips, you might be able to get more done, in less time.

With more patience.

And THAT leaves you time to actually just BE yourself with your family and create that connection time.

Because really, that's what you're working for, right?

If you’re a mum who is over being so emotional, if you want to start finding out why those ingrained habits are making you into the Mama you are trying hard not to be…. it’s time to make a change! Go here to the Bookings page now to find out about how I help my clients with their habits, mum rage, mum guilt and emotional health overall - in a simple, encouraging way.

Want some great ideas on how to entertain and connect with your toddler or preschooler?

Grab my ebook now for only $3.99 on Amazon Kindle!

Sick of fighting your own over-emotional habits and feeling overwhelmed?

Miranda is a teacher-turned Christian life coach, stress management and emotional wellbeing coach, for mums both spiritual and not, who are finding life overwhelming and stressful. She uses emotional processing basics with her clients, as well as uncovers deeper beliefs and habits that you may be unaware of - and the influence they are having on you subconsciously.

Miranda also authors wellbeing books such as Stop Mum Guilt and fantasy novels, as well as creates physical journals and printable products for women. If you feel overwhelmed, or are sick and tired of feeling that horrible guilt you carry around in your chest for ‘not doing everything well enough’, grab your 30% off call here as a new client!

Are you a work at home mama? Find more success and be more productive at home with kids, with these ideas from a life and parenting coach. Working at home and parenting is challenging - use these tips to create more confidence, success and time to parent AND work. #workathome #stayathomemum #mumpreneur

Are you a work at home mama? Find more success and be more productive at home with kids, with these ideas from a life and parenting coach. Working at home and parenting is challenging - use these tips to create more confidence, success and time to parent AND work. #workathome #stayathomemum #mumpreneur

Are you a work at home mama? Find more success and be more productive at home with kids, with these ideas from a life and parenting coach. Working at home and parenting is challenging - use these tips to create more confidence, success and time to parent AND work. #workathome #stayathomemum #mumpreneur


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